ISSN : 2663-2187

The role of biotechnology in ensuring the long-term viability of banana and plantain harvests

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PadmaPriya G, Dr. Patel KG, Pinky Kothari,Dr. Bhupesh Goyal, Dr. Neeraj Jain, Mustafa Jawad Kadham
ยป doi: 10.33472/AFJBS.6.3.2024.23-33


Food security and economic stability in rely on the steady supply of bananas, and plantains. However, these crops face significant danger from pathogens, pests, and environmental limitations. The banana and plantain sector are an essential source of revenue and ensures the continued availability of food for millions of people throughout the continent. However, it confronts some problems, such as those posed by pests, diseases, and the effects of climate change, all of which undermine agricultural yield and resilience. Small-scale farmers cultivate the vast majority of bananas. Still, they typically need more resources to invest in the long-term sustainability provided by chemical fertilizers, fungicides, and pesticides. Biotechnology offers a way to make plants more suitable for long-term cultivation. Tissue culture, molecular marker creation, and genetic engineering are all examples of biotechnology that are put to use. The challenges with banana and plantain production cannot be solved by using biotechnology in isolation; rather, it must be included in integrated disease and pest control systems

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