ISSN : 2663-2187

The Role of Digital Dentistry in Modern Dental Practices

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Dr. Siddhartha Varma, Dr. Vaishali Mashalkar, Dr. Girish Suragimath
ยป doi: 10.48047/AFJBS.6.Si1.2024.28-39


With innovations that improve patient outcomes, efficiency, and precision, digital dentistry has completely transformed contemporary dental practices. The historical development, foundational ideas, contemporary developments, difficulties, and useful uses of digital dentistry are all covered in this paper. Digital technologies have revolutionised diagnostic and therapeutic procedures, ranging from CAD/CAM technology to 3D printing and intraoral scanners. Notwithstanding the advantages, problems with data security, steep learning curves, and expensive expenditures still exist. In order to overcome current obstacles and enhance the delivery of dental care, this review attempts to present a thorough overview of digital dentistry by emphasising important findings, discussing debates, and proposing future research areas.

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