ISSN : 2663-2187

To Evaluate the Epidemiology, Etiology, Risk Factors and Treatment Management in Chronic Kidney Disease on Children, Adult and Geriatric Patients in a Tertiary Care Teaching Hospital in Nellore, on Study-II

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Naveena.B, Dr. Ronald Darwin
ยป doi: 10.33472/AFJBS.6.5.2024. 7806-7823


Chronic renal failuredisease is a abnormal function of the kidney that lead an ckd. This research study was cited in the journal of IJPQA as Study-I. Cross sectional and prospective observational study 1 to 3 these studies are designed. The population size was 564 volunteers. The duration of this study from October 2021 to March 2024. The objectiveto assess the epidemiology, causes and pharmacological management to all 3 groups of population in research study-II. The results was conclude for adults(46%) are more effective in epidemiology factor when compared to other groups. The etiological cause in children are glomerulonephritis(42%), adults are increasing glucose levels (31%), hypertension(31%) and geriatric are pyelonephritis(32%) these causes is more effective than other causes. The risk factors on ckd in children and geriatrics are kidney disease for adults are diabetes mellitus when compared to other risks. The treatment management in all age groups of patients are preferred a hemodialysis therapy it is more effective to the adult creatinine decrease % (70%) BUN decreasing % (69%) when compared to children creatinine decrease % (35%) BUN decreasing % (30%) and geriatric creatinine decrease % (38%) BUN decreasing % (38%) ckd patients. The study was concluded that initial may diagnosis not be enter into end stage renal failure And also minimize the risk and etiological factors about on ckd that lead not enter into worsening condition of kidney functioning.

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