ISSN : 2663-2187

TraditionalHealingWisdom:ExploringtheEthnomedicinalKnowledgeof the Bondo Tribe

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*Dr. Sagarika Nayak, Ms. Jhili Pradhan, Ms. Tapaswini Nayak
ยป doi: 10.33472/AFJBS.6.5.2024. 2011-2029


This paper delves into the ethno-medical knowledge of the Bondo tribe, offering a comprehensive exploration of their traditional healing practices and the utilization of medicinalplants.Thepaperelucidatesthe Bondo beliefsystem regardingdiseases'superficial and deep nature, influencing the choice of treatments. The unique form of surgery, such as intramuscular administration of paste, is discussed, differentiating Bondo's practices from those of other tribes. The paper stresses the need for documenting all medicinal ingredients used by Bondo tribes and proposes measures for refining and propagating this knowledge. The goal is to improve healthcare practices, make medicines widely available, and instill a sense of responsibility for environmental conservation. A comprehensive review of existing literature on Bondo ethnomedicine, tribal healthcare practices, and medicinal plant use was conducted to establish a foundational understanding of the subject. Extensive fieldwork was conducted in Bondo tribal areas in Odisha to directly engage with the community and gather primary data. Ethnographic methods, including participant observation and in-depth interviews, were employed to understand the Bondo medicinal practices and the utilization of medicinal plants. Botanical surveys were conducted to identify and document the medicinal plants.The unlettered tribal communities breed and conserve valuable medicinal and food plants, contributing significantly to ethnomedicinal practices

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