ISSN : 2663-2187

Types and Consequences of Domestic Violence on Male Victims

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Lokesh Chauhan, Prof. (Dr.) Deevanshu Shrivastava
» doi: 10.33472/AFJBS.6.6.2024.7378-7383


One of the main causes of family problems is domestic violence. However, most studies of domestic violence focus on women and children, even though men also face physical, sexual, and psychological types of domestic abuse in their families. Although studies show that many husbands are victims of domestic violence perpetrated by women, the extent and impact of the abuse are poorly understood due to a lack of research on the issue. Rather than focusing on domestic violence against women, which has been more researched, this study primarily examines the forms and consequences of “domestic violence against men”. Minor injuries, physical health, mental health issues such as dissociative disorders or anxiety, and increased use of illicit drugs and/or alcohol are among the reported consequences of Domestic abuse (Karystianis, Simpson and Adily). Now is the time for laws to acknowledge this issue that affects society as a whole. It is possible to recognize domestic abuse against men by making effective legislative reforms, proper health support systems, increasing awareness and removing prejudices and preconceived beliefs.

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