ISSN : 2663-2187

Understanding and Addressing Barriers to Women's Progression into Managerial Positions

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Seema William Xalxo,Sangamitra Palai,Jasna PT,M.S.Kamalaveni
ยป doi: 10.48047/AFJBS.6.Si2.2024.5402-5418


Women leaders offer unique perspectives and approaches to decision-making, fostering balanced and well-informed choices. Their perceived empathy and supportiveness contribute to higher levels of employee engagement and satisfaction. Despite advancements in gender equality initiatives, women remain underrepresented in managerial positions across various industries. This study explores the multifaceted barriers obstructing women's progression into managerial roles and suggests strategies for overcoming them. The study identifies systemic gender bias, limited mentorship and sponsorship opportunities, work-life balance challenges, and entrenched organizational cultures favoring traditional leadership traits as key factors contributing to the gender disparity in management. By comprehensively analyzing existing literature and empirical evidence, this study sheds light on the complex interplay of these barriers. To address these obstacles, organizations can implement targeted interventions such as inclusive recruitment and promotion practices, customized leadership development programs catering to women's needs, mentorship and sponsorship initiatives, and nurturing supportive work environments valuing diversity and inclusion. By tackling these barriers head-on, companies can cultivate more equitable and inclusive workplaces while maximizing the benefits of diverse leadership teams. Ultimately, promoting gender diversity in management not only enhances organizational performance and innovation but also fosters a more just and balanced society

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