ISSN : 2663-2187

Understanding Portfolio Allocation Using Unsupervised Machine Learning Methods

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Deepak. R, Shruthi P, Pallavi B3
ยป doi: 10.33472/AFJBS.6.6.2024.6987-6998


With the passage of time investors today are considered to be more confident and less reliant on their spouses, family, friends and peers in decisions pertaining to their investment option. Investment behavior of working women with respect to risk bearing capacity, empowerment to take investment decisions and monitoring of their investments. Traditionally, we observe that women investors are found to be more conservative in choosing their investment avenues which often are significantly less risky when compared to their male counterparts. It was found that working women have started doing investments slowly. It is known through the studies that the percentage of working women who take their own financial decisions for making investments was low as they rely on their husbands or parents to make investment decisions. Irrespective of the returns they earn through various investment avenues, women investors are often found to prefer more risk averse choices and found to be less deviant in nature. Thus, the factors responsible for them in making investment decisions may not be generalized which is often observed in the literature studies. Thus, the study was conducted to examine the various choices using an unsupervised learning method called association rules. This is a descriptive, not predictive, method often used to discover interesting relationships hidden in the datasets, which might help to understand the investment decisions of employed women investors in Bangalore city. The study was conducted using primary data collected from structured questionnaire. The respondents were employed women investors. In this study, responses of 54 respondents were considered and the data was analyzed using frequencies, percentages, and association rules techniques. The research confirms that, employed women investors are more independent and tend to make investments still in traditional investment avenues.

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