ISSN : 2663-2187

Unveiling the Digital Deception: A Comprehensive Legal Examination of Identifying and Preventing Internet Fraud

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Ms. Gazal Gupta, Dr. Amit Yadav, Ms. Neha Garg
ยป doi: 10.48047/AFJBS.6.12.2024.352-371


The paper discusses various aspects of cybercrime and spamming. It emphasizes the need for international cooperation to combat cybercrime, educates people about internet scams, and provides prevention tips. It also highlights different types of spam, such as blank spam and backscatter spam, and the industries that are most affected by fraud. The document also mentions the lack of awareness among people about online scams and the need for clear communication of warnings. Lastly, it talks about the laws related to spamming and how spammers take advantage of people's lack of knowledge about technology.

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