ISSN : 2663-2187

Utilization of Red cell indices and derived formulae in the diagnosis of Beta-Thalassemia trait among adult population in Chennai-A hospital based observational study

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Poorana Priya.P,Aravindan.K,
ยป doi: 10.48047/AFJBS.6.5.2024. 9243-9253


Beta Thalassemia trait (BTT) is one of the heterozygousconditionsn where a single beta globin chain is affected, resulting in microcytic hypochromic anemia. [1,2,3] The estimated mean prevalence of BTT in India is around 3%. [4,5,6] Discrimination between iron deficiency anemia and BTT still remains as a diagnostic challenge, since both conditions share similar hematological abnormalities. [7,8,9] Definitive diagnosis and screening of BTT often help in establishing a suitable therapeutic strategy as well as in creating awareness among individuals. Hence in our study we have attempted to utilize the automated analyzer based red cell parameters and derived mathematical indices in detection of BTT. Our study results showed that there is a positive correlation between RBC count and age with HbA2 levels. .Hematological parameters such as MCV, RDW were found to be sensitive in distinguishing BTT from other microcytic anemias. Shine and Lal index showed the highest sensitivity of 98.7% and Srivatsava index had the maximum specificity of 96.1% in predicting BTT.

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