ISSN : 2663-2187

A Brief Review on Seroprevalence of Human Leptospirosis in India

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Divya Choudhary, Manisha Khandait, Ashima Singh, Rituparna Saha
» doi: 10.48047/AFJBS.6.13.2024. 2734-2741


Human leptospirosis is an important health problem. It is mainly an occupational disease. Humans contract the disease mainly from consuming infected food, water and soil contaminated with infected animal’s urine. Leptospira infection mainly affects the liver and kidney, and spread to other organs. ELISA can be a very helpful diagnostic technique especially in resource-poor settings. Our article provides classification, global burden, transmission, pathophysiology, diagnosis and management of leptospirosis caused by the bacteria Leptospira.

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