ISSN : 2663-2187

Assessment of genotoxicity triggered by ammonium phosphate sulphate in fresh water fish Pseudoetroplusmaculatus and prominent role of oxidative stress exposed strains

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Veena Venudas , Sasikala Govindaraj Selvaraju Raja
ยป doi: 10.48047/AFJBS.6.14.2024.9972-9987


The use of various chemical substances for agricultural and other sectors including the production of food resources has augmented in recent scenarios. The rapid and extensive use of such chemical elements may influence the life of other nontarget organisms as well as various aquatic resources. In this regard, here the authors have implemented the comet assay, blood and immunological analysis followed by the determination of excessive production of free radicals. The major findings of the current investigation clearly revealed that the chronic and acute strains are predominantly known to be exposed to the ammonium phosphate sulphate and exhibited strong damages in the genetic material. Furthermore, the immunological analysis of gut, muscle and gill tissues of Pseudoetroplus maculatus with ImmunoglobulinIgM, Complement compound 3 (C3) and Complement compound 4 (C4) also revealed the same pattern. The excessive production of free radicals along with significant variation in the blood cells of tested strains were also recognized as a principal consequence instigated by the ammonium phosphate sulphate in Pseudoetroplus maculatus. The comparison of observed results of genotoxicity, oxidative stress, immunological, and blood analysis at specific concentrations validated that the acute strains are more prone to exposure

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