ISSN : 2663-2187

A comparative study of the effect of clerodendrum infortunatum leave and clerodendrum infortunatum roots on biochemical indices of diabetic rats

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Ashwini mishra, Kuldeep singh, Anurag Mishra, Saurav ghosal
ยป doi: 10.48047/AFJBS.6.13.2024.5745-5757


This study investigates the comparative effects of Clerodendrum infortunatum leaves and roots on the biochemical indices of diabetic rats. The research aims to evaluate the potential anti-diabetic properties of different parts of this medicinal plant, which has been traditionally used in various Asian countries for treating diabetes and related complications. Our findings suggest that both leaf and root extracts of C. infortunatum exhibit significant anti-diabetic activity, with notable differences in their efficacy and impact on specific biochemical parameters. These results provide valuable insights into the potential use of C. infortunatum in diabetes management and pave the way for further research into the development of novel phytotherapeutic agents

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