ISSN : 2663-2187

A study of HLA Alleles and Haplotypes associated with type I diabetes mellitus in South India

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Nivedhidha Srinivasan Chandrasekaran , Karuppiah Balakrishnan
» doi: 10.48047/AFJBS.6.13.2024.6963-6981


Background: T1DM is an abominable auto immune disease among children that emerged from the interaction between the environmental and genetic factors coupled with the HLA gene. The major susceptibly genes for T1DM are located in the HLA region present on the 6p chromosome. The objectives of this study are two fold, they are; • To conduct a pilot case control study to examine the association of HLA alleles and T1DM in people from South India • To determine the specific HLA DR-DQ two-locus haplotype of T1DM in South India. Materials and Methods: Of 118 children screened, 57 South Indian unrelated children with T1DM who were attending the pediatric diabetic endocrinology outpatient clinic of Kovai Medical Centre and Hospital, Coimbatore were consecutively included in the study. The control normal subject group include 57 normal healthy people which did not have any T1DM or any autoimmune disorder. HLA DRB1*/HLADQB1* antigens were determined by the PCR with sequence specific primers (PCR-SSP). Statistical analysis of haplotype results was done depending on the logistic regression model. Results: The following were considered as significant allelic and haplotethic associations with T1DM: DRB103 (p < 0. 001), DRB104 (p = 0. The current study indicated that the following alleles an haplotypes were significant telecoms with T1DM College Admissions Essay Prompts; * DRB103 –0. Just the haplotype DRB103-DQB106 was found in five cases and p value was significant. Positive association was detected for alleles DRB107 (Chi-square = 26. 02; p < 0. 001), DRB114 (Chi-square = 3. 62; p = 0. 031), DQB10301, DQB10304, DQB10302 (Chi-square = 62. 34; p < 0. 001), DQB105 (Chi-square = 10. 52; p ) Conclusion: In this study we are able to establish that the interaction between specific HLA alleles and T1DM is considerable in more than one way. Specific genotypes such as, DRB103- DQB102 combination are very much responsible for the risk than any other alleles of DRB1 and DQB1. Others alleles which include DRB115-DQB106, DRB115-DQB105 and DRB107- DQB102 are given with a lower risk. Some of these gene alleles can be utilise as diagnostic markers of T1DM.

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