ISSN : 2663-2187

A Study on Effective Strategies for Flight Delays and Cancellation on Passengers Behavior and Brand Reputation for Frequent Flyers

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Sri Ramachandran P, M Ramasubramanian
ยป doi: 10.48047/AFJBS.6.13.2024.5692-5712


This study examines effective strategies for managing flight delays and cancellations, focusing on their impact on passenger behavior and brand reputation among frequent flyers. The research aims to evaluate the efficacy of compensation policies, alternative travel arrangements, and on-ground support services in mitigating negative experiences. By collecting data through surveys and interviews with frequent flyers, alongside analyzing social media feedback, the study seeks to understand how these strategies influence customer satisfaction, loyalty, and airline perception. The findings will provide valuable insights into passenger expectations and the effectiveness of current mitigation measures. Recommendations will be offered to airlines to enhance their disruption management practices, thereby improving customer experience and maintaining strong brand loyalty. This research is essential for airlines aiming to uphold a positive reputation and secure the loyalty of frequent flyers in the face of operational challenges.

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