ISSN : 2663-2187

“A Study On Employee Perception Towards E-Recruitment - With Special Reference to Chennai City”

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Priyavarshini B S, and Dr. S. Usha
» doi: 10.48047/AFJBS.6.13.2024. 3647-3659


E-recruiting is not merely recruiting using other electronic but includes those practices and activities carried out by the organization with the main purpose of identifying and attracting right candidate, the selection process being based on sound and credible criteria, and the tracking process being able to integrate with existing system. Many organizations are using E- recruitment to post jobs and accept resumes on the Internet, and correspond with the applicants by e-mail. Online recruitment is the process of finding and hiring potential candidates for a job opening, in a timely and cost-effective manner using the internet. The beauty of recruitment lies in its accessibility and ease of use. It is the charisma of online recruitment that you can search for job 24 hours a day. Online recruitment today is vital for recruiters and employers who use job portals as the main source for headhunting, where they can easily access to the job applicants and job applicants can easily find the job as well as recruiters on these career sites. So, job portals and career sites are the two edges of the recruitment equalizer. E –recruitment have crossed the geographical boundaries so that job seekers can search for the jobs around anywhere on the globe. Connecting the job seeker and the employer become easy, fast and cost effective thus mobilize the recruiting process.

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