ISSN : 2663-2187

AI-Enhanced Employee Retention Strategies: Predicting and Preventing Employee Expectations

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Bhavan Sharma R, DR.R Karuppasamy Ramanathan
ยป doi: 10.48047/AFJBS.6.13.2024. 3330-3341


With an emphasis on anticipating and meeting employee expectations, this research study investigates the revolutionary potential of AI-enhanced employee retention tactics. The study intends to uncover critical factors driving employee turnover and provide focused interventions to improve retention by utilizing cutting-edge AI algorithms. The study aims to assess how well AI can provide practical insights into employee happiness and expectations by a thorough assessment of the literature, qualitative interviews with HR professionals, and quantitative analysis of employee data. It is anticipated that the results will show how AI-driven tactics might proactively attend to worker demands, raise job satisfaction, and eventually lower turnover rates. This study adds to the expanding corpus of research on artificial intelligence applications in human resource management, providing useful recommendations for businesses looking to maximise their retention campaigns through technological innovation.

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