ISSN : 2663-2187

“AN INSIGHT INTO SINUS LIFT PROCEDURES” Unveiling sinus lift procedures

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Dr. Asma Naaz , Dr. Ramavarapu Avinash ,Dr Laxman Boyapati ,Dr Devarathnamma M.V ,Dr. Mudambi Prakash Pavani ,Dr. Markonda Anusha
» doi: 10.48047/AFJBS.6.13.2024.5589-5599


A maxillary sinus lift procedure is necessary in posterior maxilla when there is inadequate amount of bone to support a dental implant, and one needs to be implanted. Several sinus augmentation techniques have been utilized with remarkable rates of success in order to enhance these areas for the purpose of implant placement. Familiarizing the anatomy of the maxillary sinus not only assists in effective treatment planning, but also enables us to prevent potential issues that may occur during sinus augmentation procedures. Both closed and open sinus lifting procedures are effective methods for augmenting bone volume necessary for optimal implant placement. This review provides an explanation of the fundamental methods, specifically direct and indirect sinus lift procedures, employed for the purpose of maxillary sinus elevation and augmentation.

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