ISSN : 2663-2187

Applying Predict Protocols for Detection of The Potential Presence of Coronaviruses on Bats in Lampung, Indonesia

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Elly Lestari Rustiati, Priyambodo, Sevira Nur Azmi, Dian Neli Pratiwi, Elfita Nova Yunior, Vidyanti Kurniasih, Enny Saswiyanti, Eko Agus Srihanto
» doi: 10.48047/AFJBS.6.13.2024.7343-7352


Emerging Infectious Disease (EID) is one of the potential biological threats that can cause a public health emergency. Bats are potential hosts for zoonotic sylvatic disease reservoirs, including the coronavirus that causes Covid 19. Its presence in residential environments can trigger public health emergency. Data on coronavirus surveillance especially in Lampung, Indonesia is currently not available. The initiation of data collection and detection of the potential presence of EID coronavirus in bats using Predict Protocols was carried out under Higher Education for Technology And Innovation Project. It is in collaboration with Lampung Disease Investigation Center. Bats’ oral swab samples were collected by life trapping using mist nets from 4 locations representing urban (Bandar Lampung) and rural areas (Braja Harjosari and Labuhan Ratu VII, East Lampung). Predicting coronavirus molecularly based on Predict Protocols was applied through RNA extraction and amplification, sequencing and molecular analysis. From 30 samples of 5 bat species (Scotophilus kuhlii, Cynopterus sphinx, Cynopterus horsfieldi, Cynopterus brachyotis, Cynopterus titthaechaeilus), 1 sample from Braja Harjosari was predicted positive of coronavirus. Following the sequencing result, molecular detection showed negative results for the suspected coronavirus sample. Molecular analysis concluded that batsfrom both urban and rural areas do not carry coronavirus.

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