ISSN : 2663-2187

"Botanical Remedies: A Comprehensive Review of Plants with WoundHealing Properties"

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Sarvesh Kumar, Prasant Arya, Payal Verma, Navneet Swami,Ritu Vishnoi, Peeush Singhal
ยป doi: 10.48047/AFJBS.6.13.2024.5000-5017


In India, indigenous people from various ethnic groups and regions have long utilized plants as a source of medicine to treat various ailments affecting humans and their domestic animals. Recently, there has been a global surge in plant research, amassing substantial evidence demonstrating the significant potential of medicinal plants used in traditional systems. Over the past few years, more than 13,000 plants have been studied. Our review aims to compile data generated from recent research using modern scientific methods and innovative tools. This article highlights the wound healing properties of various plants traditionally used for this purpose. We have sought to provide insights into different plants with potential wound healing capabilities, which could be beneficial in therapeutic practices.

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