ISSN : 2663-2187

Can Cognitive distortion influence the relationship between social media use and gratification and well-being?

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ยป doi: 10.48047/AFJBS.6.13.2024.1001-1022


Social media usage has become entrenched in the lives of today's young people. The use of social media has a significant negative influence on mental health. However, there is limited research conducted on loneliness and life satisfaction. Even so, there is still no evidence found of a separate role of cognitive distortion in social media gratification and well-being (loneliness and life satisfaction).The purpose of the study is to explore the combination of crucial factors responsible for well-being. The theoretical framework created to determine the impact of motives of social media usage (MSMU) on well-being through cognitive distortion, the current study has incorporated the uses and gratification theory (U&G). Based on data received from 660 Indian participants, a mediation model was created to investigate the relationship.The findings demonstrated that different MSMU and cognitive distortions have different effects on wellbeing. Furthermore, cognitive distortion was an important factor to mediate the association between specific MSMU usage and well-being. The current study offers a model to explain well-being from loneliness and satisfaction with life perspectives based on the uses and gratification theory (U&G). The findings of this study are compelling enough to persuade parents, educators, and health experts to counsel children about cognitive bias and social media use.

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