ISSN : 2663-2187

Carbohydrate and Nitrogen metabolism in wheat (Triticum aestivum L.)in response to salinity in laboratory and field condition.

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Jagriti Singh, Nawaz Ahmad Khan, Abhishek Kumar Verma, Noah Nawaz Khan, Mubeen
ยป doi: 10.48047/AFJBS.6.13.2024. 154-170


Wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) is second important crop being next only to rice andcontributesabout33percentofthetotalfoodgrainproductionofthiscountry,andsalinityisoneoftheenvironmentalfactorthathaveacriticalinfluen ceonthegerminationofseedsand subsequent establishment of seedling in the soil. In order to investigate salinity stresson wheat germination indices, an experiment was carried out at A.N.D.U.A.T, (studentinstructional farm)and net house in department of MBB, ( Kumarganj, Ayodhya) tocreate salinity stress at the level of T0(as control), 25, 75, 125 mM concentration of NaCl,andtenwheat(TriticumaestivumL.)cultivarsFLW-11,DBW-303,DBW-71,DBW-129,FLW-3, DBW-187, FLW-8, KH-65, HD-2858, KRL-3-4 were tested. For each treatmentrate of germination percent, fresh weight of seedling, dry weight of seedling seedlinglength, number of tillers, panicle length, plant height, and number of grain per spike, testweight and other biochemical were compared. In conclusion it was observed the increaseinsalinitylevel,ithamperstheplantgrowthanddevelopment.However,wheatproductivity is adversely affected by salt stress, which is associated with a reduction ingermination, growth, altered reproductive behavior andenzymatic activity, disruptedphotosynthesis,hormonalimbalance,oxidativestress,andyieldreductions.Thus,abetter understanding of wheat (plant) behavior to salinity stress has essential implications todevise counter and alleviation measures to cope with salt stress. Different approachesincludingtheselectionofsuitablecultivars,conventionalbreeding,andmolecular techniquescanbeusedforfacingsaltstress tolerance.Asrateofsalinityincreasethereweresignificantreductioninplantgrowth.Byinvestigation it was found that the most salinity tolerant variety is KH65, KRL3-4, DBW187, and least tolerant variety were HD2851, followed by FLW11 and other remainingvarietyaremoderatesalttolerant.

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