ISSN : 2663-2187


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Dr. Pragkatheswaran R, Dr. Rajkumar G, MD, Dr. Sunitha, MD
ยป doi: 10.33472/AFJBS.6.13.2024.1643-1649


Introduction: The clinical assessment of liver size remains a cornerstone in physical examination, particularly in the pediatric and adolescent population. The primary objective of this study is to assess the normal liver span in children across various age groups through clinical methods. The secondary objective is to correlate the liver span measurements obtained clinically with those obtained through ultrasonography. Material and Methods: This study employed a prospective cross-sectional design and was conducted in the outpatient department (OPD) of a tertiary care hospital. The inclusion criteria for the study encompassed newborns attending the well-baby clinic at the OPD, children presenting with minor problems such as upper respiratory infections (URI), children visiting the immunization clinic, and siblings accompanying pediatric patients to the OPD. Exclusion criteria were applied to children with fever of any cause, those with any systemic illness including cardiovascular, respiratory, neurological, or abdominal problems, and children with significant illness in the recent past. Imaging exclusion criteria included the presence of parenchymal mass lesions and cysts. Results; The mean liver span in boys ranges from 5.6 cm at birth to 9.75 cm at 12 years. The mean liver span in girls ranges from 5.8 cm at birth to 10.0 cm at 12 years. The correlation between clinical and ultrasound liver span measurements has a Pearson's correlation coefficient of 0.91, indicating a strong positive correlation. Conclusion Clinical liver span measurement is useful and reliable, ultrasonography provides a more precise and consistent assessment, especially in pediatric patients.

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