ISSN : 2663-2187

Comparative Analysis of Tribal and Non-Tribal Farm Women in Agriculture of Odisha

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Dwity Sundar Rout*, Atanu Deb, Ajay Kumar Prusty, Preetha Bhadra, Avisweta Nandy, Vishal Kumar Gupta
ยป doi: 10.48047/AFJBS.6.13.2024. 3150-3168


Farm women's significance as producers of farm commodities was almost completely ignored. As a response, there is an immediate need to build a welcoming environment in the social, economic, and cultural areas so that they can develop via empowerment. Tribal farm women had better contact with institutions than non-tribal farm women. Farm women in non-tribal districts were also found to have extremely little outside movement, which was not observed in tribal districts. This could explain why tribal district respondents shared more social information than non-tribal district respondents. As a result of the findings, farm women's empowerment will stay stagnant until they have a significant income and contribute significantly to farm income.

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