ISSN : 2663-2187

Development of Chronomodulated drug delivery: Salbutamol Sulphate Compression coated bi-layered core tablet for Nocturnal asthma

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Nishan Singh* , Dr. Naresh Kalra , Dr. Mukesh Gupta, Dr. Shobhit Prakash Srivastava
ยป doi: 10.48047/AFJBS.6.13.2024. 123-135


The aim of this work was to prepare a bi-layered core tablet of salbutamol sulfate coated with locust bean gum polymer for use as a chronotherapeutic drug delivery system to treat nocturnal asthma attacks. Salbutamol sulfate is intended to be delivered via a pH- and time-dependent chronotherapeutic drug delivery system, and the purpose of this study is to examine how the locust bean gum polymer coating affects drug release from hydroxypropyl methylcellulose matrix. Asthma incidence is highest in the early morning, when it is known as the "morning dip." The disease could be efficiently controlled by a formulation that could deliver the medicine at the proper concentration immediately before the attack. Maintaining the medication release after that point would allow the dosage to be administered once daily. The medication was given as two tablets that were directly compressed together. Salbutamol (4 mg for sustained release and 2 mg for burst release) were present in the core pill. To achieve a time lag of 5 hours for the initial burst release, the core was compression coated with a swellable polymer HPMC and then dip coated with polymer locust bean gum in a 1:1 ratio, a pH independent semipermeable membrane. After five hours, the designed system effectively discharged the first dose, which was then maintained for over twelve hours. For the most part, the drug release afterwards 0 order kinetics. With this dosage, the nighttime asthma would be effectively controlled.

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