ISSN : 2663-2187

Distribution of Mud nests of Wire-tailed swallow (Hirundo filifera) and first report on the nest parasitism by Passer domesticus in Godavari River basin, Maharashtra, India.

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Chavan Shivaji, Kudkekar Sudarshan, Mahesh Jadhav and Rajesh Achegawe
ยป doi: 10.48047/AFJBS.6.9.2024.5567-5575


In the present investigation mud nests of Wire-tail swallow (Hirundo filifera) from Godavari River basin, Maharashtra were studied, in which 19 different locations were identified as nesting sites of Wire-tail swallow (Hirundo filifera) from Godavari River and its tributaries in three districts of Marathwada region. In the present study nesting material, nesting pattern, cluster number, parental care, role of both parents, threats to the nesting sites and mortality of birds were observed. Total of 3397 nests of Wire-tail swallow (Hirundo filifera) from 19 locations were present in clusters. For the construction of mud nest, mud was used as the main constituent collected from the river mud flats and the remaining material was bird feathers and short dried grass, stem and root as structural support collected from nearby locations. The main threats to the nest were pollution and human activities, including habitat destruction, avian predators and Lack of food and water. In wire-tailed swallows (Hirundo filifera) mud-nest the nest parasitism by Passer domesticus was reported as a first report from Godavari River basin in India

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