ISSN : 2663-2187

‘Economic Analysis of Production of Finger Millet (Eleusine coracana L.) in Perspective of Nutritional Security in the Western Undulating Agroclimatic Zone of Odisha, India

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Binmay Kumar Mandal, Dr. Sarba Narayan Mishra,Dr. Rajendra Kumar Rout*, Dr. Abhiram Dash, Dr. Sarbani Das
» doi: 10.48047/AFJBS.6.13.2024. 3207-3223


The popular names for finger millet (Eleusine coracana L.) are Mandia or Ragi. "Economic Analysis of Production of Finger Millet (Eleusine coracana L.) in Perspective of Nutritional Security in the Western Undulating Agroclimatic zone of Odisha, India" was the main emphasis of the current study. For the purposes of the study, two districts namely Kandhamal and Koraput were purposively selected based on their potential for producing finger millet and the largest area cultivated respectively. The total sample size was 120. The major findings of the study revealed that C2 cost and gross return of finger millet were Rs. 29835.01 and 38650.25 per hectare respectively. Cost A2, Cost B2 and Cost C2 were worked out Rs. 14765.76, Rs. 19833.29, and Rs. 29835.01 per hectare respectively. The Benefit- Cost ratio in the cultivation of finger millet was estimated for cost C2 was 1.30. The net return on replacing upland rice with finger millet, in partial budget estimate was Rs. 3414.48 and in sensitivity analysis it was found that facilitating & miscellaneous cost was the most important variable deciding the net profit positively. Compared to parboiled rice, finger millet is more nutrient-rich, ensuring the nutritional security among growers in the study area.

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