ISSN : 2663-2187

“Enhancing Dynamic Stability and Agility in Badminton Players through Targeted Core Strengthening: The Smash Stroke Advantage – A literature review”

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Taruna singh, Shrutimaheswari, Dr.C. Nageswari
» doi: 10.48047/AFJBS.6.13.2024.5557-5578


Badminton is a sport that demands not only hand-eye coordination but also jumping, rotating, and precise footwork. It is impossible to overestimate the significance of stability and core strength for preserving balance and control during dynamic movements. In order to maximize badminton performance, this study investigates the role of core muscles, such as the transverse abdominis, abdominal external oblique, multifidus muscles, abdominal internal oblique, and psoas major muscle. A literature review of 25 articles was studied, focusing on various forms of core strengthening exercises, including Pilates, plyometrics, ballistic Swiss ball training, and planks. Plyometric exercises were found to improve muscle power, agility, and core strength, leading to enhanced performance on the court. Pilates is a useful technique to enhance trunk movement control since it has been shown to have good benefits on agility, core strength, neuromuscular coordination, and dynamic balance. Swiss ball training has demonstrated promise in enhancing core stability; nevertheless, more investigation is needed to fully ascertain its efficacy in sports recovery and training.

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