ISSN : 2663-2187

Enhancing Smart Communication Systems through the Power of Artificial Intelligence

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Mayank Chhatwal, Dr. Vikas Garg, Prof (Dr) Namita Rajput, Dr. Shikha Kapoor
ยป doi: 10.48047/AFJBS.6.13.2024.4840-4850


Smart communication systems have rapidly evolved as integral components of our digitally interconnected world. This paper explores the transformative impact of integrating Artificial Intelligence (AI) into these systems, revolutionizing the way we communicate, interact, and share information. The convergence of AI and communication technology empowers these systems to understand context, predict user behavior, optimize network resources, and ensure security. In order for communication systems to understand and produce human language, AIdriven Natural Language Processing (NLP) approaches are being deployed in this subject.. Voice assistants and chatbots, armed with advanced NLP algorithms, create natural and intuitive interactions, leading to enhanced user engagement and seamless information exchange. Machine Learning (ML) algorithms play a pivotal role in optimizing communication systems. By analyzing vast datasets, they uncover usage patterns, predict network congestion, and dynamically allocate resources, resulting in improved call quality, reduced latency, and efficient bandwidth utilization. Personalization takes center stage as AI leverages data insights to tailor communication experiences. AI-infused systems utilize user preferences and historical data to deliver personalized content and recommendations, creating a bespoke communication environment that resonates with individual users. Security concerns are addressed through AI-powered anomaly detection, encryption, and authentication mechanisms. These safeguards fortify communication channels against cyber threats, ensuring confidentiality, integrity, and availability of transmitted data. Furthermore, AI brings inclusivity to the forefront by enabling accessible communication. Real-time transcription, sign language interpretation, and audio descriptions break down barriers for individuals with disabilities, fostering a more inclusive digital society. As we peer into the future, AI's continued evolution holds the promise of even more intricate and seamless communication experiences. With the impending advent of 5G and beyond, coupled with AI advancements, smart communication systems are poised to redefine connectivity, engagement, and interaction paradigms, ushering in a new era of communication excellence.

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