ISSN : 2663-2187

Estimation of Earthwork for New Route Alignment Planning using UAV Data

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Victor Saikhom, Manoranjan Kalita, M Somorjit Singh
ยป doi: 10.48047/AFJBS.6.3.2024.735-744


This paper presents a comprehensive exploration of utilizing Unmanned Aerial Vehicle (UAV) data for accurate earthwork estimation in the context of new route alignment projects. Traditional methods of earthwork estimation often rely on ground surveys, whic h can be time consuming, labour intensive , and prone to errors. With the advancements in UAV technology, the integration of aerial imagery and photogrammetric techniques offers a promising solution to streamline and enhance the earthwork estimation process . This paper discusses the workflow, challenges, benefits, and prospects of employing UAV data for earthwork estimation, thereby contributing to more efficient and informed decision making in route alignment projects.

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