ISSN : 2663-2187

Evaluation of feed consumption of ewes on pasture (Eastern Algeria)

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Matallah Saida*, Matallah Fouzi
ยป doi: 10.48047/AFJBS.6.13.2024. 80-89


Understanding the interactions between animals and their grazing environment is crucial for the development of technical references in the management of pastoral ecosystems, which are widespread in Algeria. In this regard, our study focuses on analyzing the feeding behavior and voluntary intake of ten (10) sheep grazing in the Constantine region, located in the East of Algeria, For three years, during the four-month spring season. To achieve this, we estimated the botanical composition of the grazed pasture and the simulated bite intake of the animals using the hand-plucking method. The results show that sheep spend an average of 57% of their time grazing, 30% resting and moving, 10% rumination, and 03% drinking. Grasses constitute more than 36% of the forage consumed by the animals. On average, each sheep ingests 1382.4 g of dry matter per day while grazing. These data provide fundamental information for implementing feeding plans tailored to our sheep.

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