ISSN : 2663-2187

Evaluation Of Malnutrition Among Street Children In Delhi: Application Of Z-Scores And Composite Index Of Anthropometric Failure

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Dr. Shalini.S, Vidhyashree MD, A.Abiselvi, Pushpa Kumari. M
» doi: 10.48047/AFJBS.6.13.2024.4876-4886


This work assesses the types of malnutrition prevalent amongst street children in Delhi based on the z-scores and CIAF. Thus, despite the population of India being fed to some extent, malnutrition persists as an acute problem affecting, inter alia, the segment of street children. This cross-sectional consisted of 350 street children, aged between 6-14 years old from different parts of Delhi, anthropometric measurements which include height, weight and MUAC were recorded. These include HAZ, WAZ, WHZ, BMIZ, and MUACZ using WHO standards. The CIAF was also used to explain undernutrition to capture a broad overview. This study has shown the following levels of malnutrition among the children: Stunting at 50%, underweight at 30%, wasting at 20%, and acute malnutrition at 10% with a bigger concern on chronic malnutrition. Each of the variables was proved to have a positive relationship with every one of the anthropometric measures, meaning that the duration on the streets worsens the level of malnutrition. Another determinant in our study was age in which malnutrition in older students was confirmed by lower HAZ and WAZ scores and reduced MUACZ. The nutritional status was to a large extent uniform across the gender divide in this study. On this note, the study suggests that there is a need to design and implement specific programs that will seek to treat acute and chronic malnutrition among street children. Measures should be taken in terms of food, healthcare, living conditions, and other enduring solutions such as the reunion of families as well as reintegration into civil society. This structural intervention strategy is purposely to reduce the negative impact of street life on children’s growth and development.

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