ISSN : 2663-2187

Examining Plant-Mediated Green Synthesis of Silver Nanoparticles for Antimicrobial Activity

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Abha Verma, Uvaraja VC, Muggu Murali Krishna, Kajal, N. Ramasamy, Vidya Tarachandra Mohod, Manoj Gangadhar Shinde, Kumud Madan
ยป doi: 10.48047/AFJBS.6.13.2024.5154-5163


In the field of science called nanotechnology, people work on making, manipulating, and using things that are very small. The goal of this study was to protect against harmful bacteria by making silver nanoparticles from Curcuma caesia roxb leaves using eco-friendly ways and then testing how well they work against clinical microorganisms. A characterization of the prepared formulation was done to figure out the shape size and snature of the prepared formulation. One can find out how much the average particle size of the samples changes the shift in SPR wavelengths by measuring the UV-visible optical absorption properties. Additionally, Curcuma caesia leaf extract was used to create silver nanoparticles that were very good at killing harmful bacteria and fungus. The disc diffusion method does a good job of showing the antibacterial action. Antibacterial implantable materials have amazing antibacterial properties that make them good for covering silver-coated devices. They also stop nanoparticles from growing inside the material, which helps wounds heal faster after getting an infection.

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