ISSN : 2663-2187

Experiences of preterm infant mothers regarding hospitalization in the Neonatal Intensive Care Unit (NICU)

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» doi: 10.48047/AFJBS.6.13.2024. 650-657


Background: The neonatal period of new born infant is considered from birth to 28 days. Admission of the new-born infant in Neonatal Intensive Care Unit (NICU) leads to a stressful situation for parents resulting in escalating feelings of anxiety and distress. Method: Total of 50 mothers were interviewed through self- developed questionnaire regarding their experiences of hospitalization in NICU by convenient sampling. Result: 48 % mothers know the reasons behind admitting their child to neonatal ICU informed to them by medical personnel out of them only 28% mothers were made aware of the treatment that their child had received , Out of all mothers, 66% mothers mentioned that it was disturbing to see the appearance of their child in the NICU setup while 34% did not find it disturbing. 88% women were allowed and instructed to handle their baby in the NICU while 12% were not as the child would be critical, handling by mother would be difficult for herself to see her child with many cables or in post-surgical cases handling would be restricted. Conclusion: All these mothers experience disturbed seeing their neonate inside the NICU while most of them were disturbed by their appearance along with heightened feelings of fear, stress and anxiety.

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