ISSN : 2663-2187

Extent of knowledge level of off-season vegetable cultivation by tribal farmers in Koraput district of Odisha

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Dwity Sundar Rout , Atanu Deb , George William Barla, Avisweta Nandy
» doi: 10.48047/AFJBS.6.13.2024.7554-7578


The study was conducted on “Extent of the knowledge level of off-season vegetable cultivation by tribal farmers in Koraput district of Odisha” to study the socio-economic profile of farmers following off-season vegetable cultivation, analyze the knowledge level of off-season vegetable growers, assess the level of the knowledge level of off-season vegetable growing in the study area and identify constraints in off-season vegetable cultivation and suggestions to overcome these problems. The study was conducted in the Koraput and Semiliguda blocks of Koraput district, Odisha. Both purposive and random sampling procedure was followed for the selection of the district, blocks, Gram panchayats, villages, and respondents. The total sample size of the study was 120. The response was obtained from each respondent in a structured interview schedule which was pretested with 10 % samples other than the respondents of the study area. To augment offseason vegetable production in the state in general and Koraput in particular, the latest proven and viable technology on off-season vegetable production needs to be diffused through various extension activities to accelerate its knowledge level. Simultaneously cold storage and suitable marketing channels are to be developed for quick disposal of their produce and to fetch a remunerative price for their farm produce

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