ISSN : 2663-2187

Financial Self-Efficiency: Learning Its Interdependence Between Financial Literacy and Behavior Among Financial Students

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Naga Suriya.P, and Dr. J. Kannan
ยป doi: 10.48047/AFJBS.6.13.2024. 3622-3633


This research project endeavors to illuminate the intricate relationship between financial literacy and behavior among students studying finance, with a specific focus on their financial self-efficiency. In an era marked by increasingly complex financial landscapes, understanding how individuals' financial knowledge translates into effective financial behaviors is paramount. Adopting a quantitative research approach, this study aims to assess the level of financial literacy among finance students and examine how it influences their financial behaviors and self-efficiency. Through surveys and statistical analysis, the research seeks to identify patterns and correlations between financial literacy, behaviors, and self-efficacy beliefs. The findings will provide valuable insights into the mechanisms driving financial decision-making among students and offer implications for educational interventions aimed at enhancing financial literacy and promoting sound financial behaviors. Ultimately, this exploration aims to contribute to the development of more effective strategies for fostering financial well-being among the younger generation.

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