ISSN : 2663-2187

Floristic diversity and pressure factors in the Lagdo council forest (North Cameroon)

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ยป doi: 10.48047/AFJBS.6.13.2024.5645-5661


The council of Lagdo is located in the North of Cameroon. It has a rich diversity of plant species. These species are subject to several pressures of anthropic and natural origin. The aim of this study is to characterise this flora and determine the pressure factors affecting it. An ethnobotanical survey was carried out among 210 people. A floristic inventory was carried out in a 50x50m2 plot following layons 10 metres wide and 50 metres long, one after the other. In each of the plant formations selected, sixteen (16) plots of 50x50m2 were created using a double decameter, following the 10 metre wide and 50 metre long paths. The experimental design used was a block design in which the 3 plant formations (Field, Wooded Savannah, Shrub Steppe) were the main treatments and the 16 50x50m2 plots in each plant formation were the replicates. The results of the inventory carried out on 12 ha identified 10421 individuals divided into 69 species, 48 genus and 25 families over the three plant formations (wooded savannah, shrub steppe and field). The average absolute density was 868.41 stems/ha in all plant formations. Field surveys reveal that agriculture (35%), firewood cutting (45%), carbonisation (15%) and hunting (5%) are carried out in the forest. The exacerbated anthropisation of the council area is leading to an increase in agricultural land and encouraging strong household demand for firewood. The exploitation of this council forest will lead to a reduction in its rich flora.

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