ISSN : 2663-2187

Fluoride water contamination in Arasikere Taluk, Hassan District, Karnataka, India

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B. Anantha Nag, Neethu Patil, Arjumand Banu. S.S, Prashanth Kumar.C.S, Raghu H.S, Raghavendra S.N
» doi: 10.48047/AFJBS.6.13.2024. 3342-3349


Water, which occurs below the water table, is referred to as groundwater. Ground water is usually cool, colourless and free from turbidity. Ground water is used for agricultural, industrial, household, recreational and environmental activities all over the world. In the last few decades, there has been tremendous increase in the demand for fresh water due to rapid growth of population and accelerated pace of industrialization which has resulted in the deterioration of quality of groundwater. Since the quality of public health depends to a greater extent on the quality of drinking water, it is incumbent that detailed information about the quality of water be systematically collected and monitored regularly through research and scientific way for sustainable development. Fluoride is widely dispersed in nature and a common constituent of most soils, rocks, plants and animals. Fluorine is a common element representing about 0.38 g/kg of the earth’s crust (WHO 2008), which exists in the form of fluoride in a number of minerals. In addition to the anthropogenic activities, the availability of potable water resources is being deteriorated by agricultural activities and over exploitation. Hence, it needs the study on the status of ground water quality in Arsikere taluk of Hassan district.

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