ISSN : 2663-2187

Formulation and Development of Bosantan Loaded Nanoparticles for Enhancement of its Biopharmaceutical Attributes

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Arghya Paria, Sanket Seksaria, Somnath Dey, Priyanka Gupta, Debanjana Mondal, Chiranjit Dey, Tanzeem Nigar, Sachin Karmakar, Rajiv Jash
ยป doi: 10.33472/AFJBS.6.13.2024.2321-2338


Aim/ Objective: The present work aims to improve the aqueous solubility and oral bioavailability of Bosentan Monohydrate by formulating its solid lipid nano particles which would have Self-nanoemulsifying characteristics. Methods: The solid lipid nanoparticles (SLNs) were successfully prepared by using emulsification solvent evaporation technique. The optimized SLNs of glyceryl monohydrate loaded with Bosentan monohydrate revealed desired attributes of a optimized solid lipid nano-carrier which had proper compatibility with Isopropyl myristate, Tween 80 and Polyethylene glycol as the lipidic excipients to form stable product. Their optimized concentration ranges resulted in a stable microemulsion region. Results: Systematic optimization of the liquid SNEDD formulations of Bosentan was performed using in vitro tests and detailed characterization studies. Results revealed F8 formulation produces excellent results with satisfactory results in all the trials of liquid SNEDDS. The optimized liquid SNEDD formulations exhibited globule size less than 100 nm, high and negative values of zeta potential, quick self-emulsification rate, negligible phase separation and high degree of physical stability during thermodynamic evaluation studies. SEM revealed nanostructured particles with negligible aggregation. TEM confirmed the well-defined structure of the nanoparticles Conclusion: In vitro dissolution studies of Bosentan in optimized liquid SNEDDS (F4) unveiled multi-fold enhancement in release profile, as compared to pure API.

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