ISSN : 2663-2187


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Khanderao R. Jadhav, Nayan D. Jadhav, Sujit A. Jadhav, Pravin P. Gadakh, Sarika S. Malode, Rishikesh S. Bachhav
» doi: 10.48047/AFJBS.6.13.2024.6231-6243


The current study aimed to improve the solubility and dissolving characteristics of the poorly soluble medication atorvastatin calcium (ATC) by producing cocrystals of it. Cinnamic acid (CA) was employed as a conformer, and solvent evaporation was performed in an equimolar ratio. Solubility tests have shown that the ATC cocrystal is more soluble than the standard ATC plain drug. The ATC cocrystal FTIR spectra and DSC thermogram revealed a sharp drop in melting point from 164.27C to 63.80C, which suggests a decrease in cohesive energy and an increase in solubility. New crystalline peaks at 2θ values of 9.100 , 15.500 , 22.900 , 25.800 , and 29.800 were visible in the XRD pattern. When compared to drugs and CCF, SEM examination revealed morphological alterations that suggested a distinct crystalline composition.

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