ISSN : 2663-2187

GC-MS profiling and HPTLC analysis for Exploration of phytochemicals in the Methanolic extract of Bauhinia tomentosa L. Pod

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Richa Thawani*, Ekta Menghani, Sapna Sharma
ยป doi: 10.48047/AFJBS.6.13.2024. 362-374


Bauhinia tomentosa L. , an ethnomedicinal and ornamental plant , belongs to Fabaceae family. It is a small tree growing at a height of about 8 metres . Ethnomedicinally, it is utilized for the treatment of urinary tract infections, helminthiasis, liver inflammation, diarrhea, diabetes, tumors, wounds, hyperlipidemia, bleeding, animal bites, fever, and as ethnomedicines in Africa and Asia . For present study, methanolic extract was prepared using Soxhlet extraction method. For the identification of phytochemicals, prepared methanolic extract was subjected to GC-MS analysis and HPTLC analysis. The obtained spectra of GC-MS were analysed and compared with the GC-MS spectra database of online Wiley library and NIST (National Institute of Standard and Technology) to identify the phytochemical compounds. A total of 56 compounds were isolated, out of which Hexadecanoic acid, methyl ester was present in highest % as 20.12 and Pentanoic acid,2,2-dimethyl-ethyl ester in lowest % of 0.12. Major phytochemicals identified from GC-MS spectra are megastigmatrienone, caproic acid, clorius, methyl nicotinate, n-caprylic acid, caryophyllene, cedrene, caprylone, eicosane and muscalure. In HPTLC analysis the peak reports of the methanolic extract was compared with seven standards as gallic acid, quercetin, tannic acid, rutin, dl-alfa tocopherol, ascorbic acid , and carotene.

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