ISSN : 2663-2187

Genomic analysis of heavy metal-resistant Enterobacter sp. PGRG2 isolated from electronic waste of NCR region, India

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Ritika Garg, Shweta Dang, Pammi Gauba
ยป doi: 10.48047/AFJBS.6.13.2024.5468-5496


Heavy metal pollution has come under increased scrutiny, due to its bioaccumulation and highly persistent nature. Conventional techniques for remediating heavy metals from soil may release additional toxic compounds into the environment. Therefore, the method of remediation using microorganism and plants is being preferred now over other physio-chemical methods. In this study, interaction between metals and microbes was studied for removing lead (Pb), cadmium (Cd) & nickel (Ni) from heavy metal contaminated soil. The main objective of this investigation was to isolate, identify and assess the soil microbes having the potential for remediation of lead, cadmium & nickel at high concentration. PGRG2 was isolated from E-waste contaminated site and its tolerance against lead, cadmium & nickel were determined on nutrient agar. Genomic sequencing of the organism was performed with the Illumina Novaseq600 platform. PGRG2 tolerated 1000ppm of Pb, 750ppm of Cd & 200ppm of Ni. The genome revealed genes responsible for metal transport/resistance and genes involved in EPS production. This study highlights the tolerance capacity of isolated bacteria and the predicted genes involve in transportation and resistance of lead, cadmium, nickel and other heavy metals present in the genome of PGRG2.

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