ISSN : 2663-2187

Hydrochmical dynamic and water quality analysis of Thiruvalluvar University mud pond

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P.Devi, R.Priyanka, Muthiah Chandran*
ยป doi: 10.48047/AFJBS.6.13.2024. 300-323


Any ponds located near residential and agricultural areas are very susceptible to contamination, which may provide substantial risks to both the surrounding ecosystem and human populations. The present research pond is located inside the Thiruvalluvar University and is near the village of Serkkadu Kootroad, Vellore District. Approximately 1000 households reside in this vicinity. They emit a substantial quantity of pollutants regularly and also use open toilets. During the times of rainfall, all of these substances have the potential to contaminate the Thiruvalluvar University pond via runoff. Thus, this study was carried out to examine the water quality of mud pond o Thiruvalluvar University highlighting the need to conduct a thorough evaluation and implementing appropriate mitigation strategies. The study results suggest that the water sourced from the pond at Thiruvalluvar University is not appropriate for consumption or other domestic use. Nevertheless, it might be advantageous for aquaculture purposes.

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