ISSN : 2663-2187

Impact of Biofertilizers and Zinc Foliar Spray on Mustard Growth, chlorophyll content and Yield

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Neroju Manasa , Kasula Vamshi Krishna ,B.B. Nayak,CH. Suchith Kumar
ยป doi: 10.48047/AFJBS.6.13.2024.6622-6636


Mustard (Brassica juncea L.) is a significant oilseed crop, valued for its oil content and culinary uses. This study investigated the effects of biofertilizers and zinc foliar application on mustard growth and yield. Field experiment was conducted during the Rabi 2021-22 season at the experimental farm of Lovely Professional University, Phagwara, Punjab. The experiment employed a Randomized Block Design (RBD) with seven treatments replicated thrice. Treatments included: T0 (Recommended Dose of Fertilizers - RDF), T1 (RDF + ZnSO4), T2 (RDF + Azotobacter), T3 (RDF + PSB), T4 (RDF + PSB + ZnSO4), T5 (RDF + Azotobacter + ZnSO4), and T6 (Absolute Control). Results indicated that treatment T4 (RDF + PSB + ZnSO4) (200.86) exhibited superior performance, showing increased plant height at various growth stages, number of functional leaves, fresh weight, dry weight, number of siliquae per plant, pod length, and Grain yield. Additionally, treatment T5 (RDF + Azotobacter + ZnSO4) (0.81 and10.18) resulted in significant dry weight at 30 and 60 days after sowing (DAS) respectively. The combined treatment significantly boosted chlorophyll content over individual treatments and the control. Thus, integrating biofertilizers with zinc foliar spray effectively enhances mustard growth, yield, and physiological performance, reducing reliance on chemical fertilizers and minimizing environmental impacts. Further research is needed to optimize application rates and understand the underlying mechanisms for broader use in mustard cultivation.

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