ISSN : 2663-2187

In silico exploration of various Phytochemicals present in Ficus hispida Stem Bark as Hepatoprotective agents

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Vandana Janghel , Dr. Dheeraj Kumar Ahirwar , Dr. Shilpi Prasad
» doi: 10.48047/AFJBS.6.13.2024.6689-6701


Ficus hispida Linn. is a moderate sized tree found throughout the year and is grown wild or cultivated for its edible fruits and folklore value. Traditionally, different parts of the plant have been used in the treatment of hemorrhage, diabetes, convulsion, hepatitis, dysentery, biliousness, lactagogue, and purgative. It contains wide varieties of bioactives from different phytochemical groups like alkaloids, carbohydrates, proteins and amino acids, sterols, phenols, flavonoids, gums and mucilage, glycosides, saponins, and terpenes. The main objective of this study was to explore the potential of various phytoconstituents [2-demethoxytylophorine (1), lupeol acetate (2), n-triacontanol (3), oleanolic acid (4), hispidin (5), terpeneol (6), β-amyrine (7), linalool (8), gluanol (9), β-sitosterol (10), and bergaptine (11)] as hepatoprotective agent by using in-silico approaches with the help of published literature on downregulation of enzyme/molecular component expression and combining this information in order to recognize drug target [PDB ID: 1IL6; Human Interleukin-6, NMR, Minimized Average Structure;]. The in silico studies revealed that the phytoconstituents successfully inhibited the biological target at varied degree which suggested plausible utilization as hepatoprotectives.

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