ISSN : 2663-2187

In silico investigation of various Phytoconstituents present in Schleichera oleosa (Koshamra) Fruits as Hepatoprotective agents

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Pushpendra Patel , Dr. Ritesh Jain , Dr. Shilpi Prasad
ยป doi: 10.48047/AFJBS.6.13.2024.6702-6713


Different parts of Schleichera oleosa such as fruits, leaves, bark and seeds are used as tribal food, animal feed, seed-oil, and timber. The tree serves as important source for traditional medicines for curing pruritus, malaria, inflammation, and ulcers. The past researches have studied the properties of S. oleosa extracts from the bark and stem and it was found to reduce the free radicals that cause the death of cancer cells. However, hepatoprotective perspective of S. oleosa fruit extract was not yet studied. The main objective of this study was to explore the potential of various phytoconstituents [Protocatechuic acid, p-hydroxy benzoic acid, Vanillic acid, Caffeic acid, Syringic acid, pcoumaric acid, etc.] as hepatoprotective agent by using in-silico approaches with the help of published literature on downregulation of enzyme/molecular component expression and combining this information in order to recognize drug target High-mobility group AThook 2 (PDB ID: 3UXW, Crystal Structures of an A-T-hook/DNA complex);]. The in silico studies revealed that the phytoconstituents successfully inhibited the biological target at varied degree which suggested plausible utilization as hepatoprotectives.

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