ISSN : 2663-2187

Intensity of input adoption among smallholder farmers in Tamil Nadu: A fractional logit approach

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A Salaijayamani A Xavier Susairaj Masuma Ahmed
» doi: 10.48047/AFJBS.6.13.2024.5353-5361


Announcement of the doubling farmers’ income has invoked great interest among the researchers regarding the feasibility of achievement of this goal with majority of Indian farmers being smallholders. Research on strategies to improve the income of the smallholder farmers is although extensive, however, the nature and extent of the issues faced by these farmers vary across regions and needs to be addressed accordingly. Primary data were generated using a field survey from the farmers operating in small landholdings to evaluate the intensity of input adoption among them using a “fractional logit model”. Average area under input adoption was found to be 0.913 acres in the study area. The econometric results suggest that participation in the Farmer Producer Organization increased the intensity of input adoption by 3.79 percent. Qualification and Non-Farm Income were found to increase intensity of input adoption by 0.125 and 1.309 percent respectively. Livestock and Farm size were also statistically significant in affecting the intensity of input adoption among the sampled cultivators. Participation in FPOs reduce the cost of inputs for the farmers and thereby enhances their intensity of input adoption and thus ensuring higher participation of smallholder farmers can be instrumental in enhancing their input adoption.

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