ISSN : 2663-2187

Investigating the best practices on remote onboarding to integrate new hires into organizational culture

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Seethasri.M ,Dr.S.Chinnathambi
» doi: 10.48047/AFJBS.6.13.2024.6728-6742


The shift towards remote work has necessitated a reevaluation of traditional onboarding processes to effectively integrate new hires into organizational culture. This research investigates the best practices for remote onboarding to facilitate seamless cultural integration. Utilizing a mixed-methods approach, including qualitative interviews with HR professionals and quantitative surveys of remote employees, the study aims to identify strategies that promote engagement, connection, and cultural assimilation for remote newcomers. Key factors such as technology utilization, communication methods, and socialization initiatives will be analyzed to determine their impact on remote onboarding success. The findings will contribute valuable insights to HR practitioners and organizational leaders seeking to optimize remote onboarding processes, fostering a sense of belonging and cohesion among remote teams. Ultimately, this research seeks to enhance organizational effectiveness in the remote work landscape by refining strategies for integrating new hires into the fabric of organizational culture.

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