ISSN : 2663-2187

Isolation and identification of pineapple extract (Ananas comosus) through different analytical techniques and evaluation of antimicrobial activity.

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Sipra Banerjee ,Dhrubo Jyoti Sen, Sudip Kumar Mandal, Satyam Mal, Somali Dey, Mijarul SK, Sohan Bisawas
ยป doi: 10.48047/AFJBS.6.13.2024.6574-6592


Pineapple is a versatile fruit and it has different pharmacological properties it is gaining much importancein t h e medicinal field. India is a sub-tropical country and people are suffering from different microbiologicalinfections. As a result, they are taking different synthetic antibiotics from pharmacy shops without knowing theproper course duration and adverse effects. So they are not properly cured and get again infected and becomedrug-resistant. So we are searching for herbal antibiotics that will have good antibacterial activity, fewer sideeffects, and be cost-effective. For this search, we have isolated the different phytoconstituents through column Chromatography and identified t h e m through UV visible spectroscopy and FT-IR. We have investigated the minimum inhibitory concentration and antimicrobial activity. The extract showed different phytochemical andpositive results against different microbes.

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