ISSN : 2663-2187

Joint position sense and balance in children with hemiplegia in comparison with typically developing controls: A cross-sectional study

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Aya Abdelsalam Abd Elaziz, Amira F. Ibrahim , Samah Attia El Shemy
ยป doi: 10.48047/AFJBS.6.13.2024.7449-7467


This study aimed to assess the joint position sense (JPS) of trunk, hip, knee and ankle joints and balance deficits in hemiplegic children, comparing these findings with typically developing (TD) controls and to detect the relation between JPS and balance in hemiplegic children. 42 hemiplegic children and 42 TD children participated in this study. Their age range from 8-12 years old. Digital goniometer and KidsBalance Evaluation System Test (Kids-BESTest) were used for assessment. There was statistically significant increase in the mean values of the trunk, hip, knee and ankle joints repositioning errors in hemiplegic children than TD controls (p < 0.005) and there was statistically significant decrease in the mean values of all scores of Kids-BESTest scale in hemiplegic children than TD children (p < 0.005). There was statistically significant negative moderate correlation between trunk JPS and Kids- BESTest score (r= -0.583) (p=0.001). Statistically non-significant negative weak correlation was found between hip, knee JPS from (weight bearing and non-weight bearing positions), ankle JPS and Kids-BESTest score (r= - 0.135)(p=0.392),(r= -0.055and-0.197) (p=0.727and0.212) r, (r= - 0.271) (p=0.082) respectively. The JPS and balance were affected in hemiplegic children compared to TD controls. The trunk position sense was strongly related to balance in hemiplegic children

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