ISSN : 2663-2187

Knowledge and awareness of management of anaphylaxis among clinical medical students

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K. R. Don, S. S. Srenithe Anjana, N. Aravindha Babu, K. R. Padma
ยป doi: 10.48047/AFJBS.6.13.2024.5059-5075


BACKGROUND: Anaphylaxis can happen in people having Allergies, Asthma and a family history of Anaphylaxis. It is an acute potentially life threatening hypersensitivity reaction, involving the release of mediators from mast cells, basophils, and recruited inflammatory cells. AIM: The aims and objectives of this study were to assess the knowledge of medical students, regarding anaphylaxis and to ascertain the knowledge regarding dose, route of administration, and concentration of the drugs used for its management. METHODOLOGY: The present Descriptive cross sectional Questionnaire study was conducted in 2021 over an online setting among 137 clinical medical students. A wellstructured questionnaire consisting of 21 close ended questions was set. The data was uploaded and collected from the online google forms. The statistical analysis was done by descriptive statistics to summarize demographic data and chi square test to analyze survey data. p< 0.05 was considered statistically significant and confidence level set as 95%. RESULT: In the present study, 94.16% of the population were aware of Anaphylaxis. 27.74% of the population had encountered patients with anaphylactic reaction. 45.26% of the population gave a test dose on a routine basis. 61.31% of the population responded that they have a first aid kit in their work space to manage allergic reactions. CONCLUSION: Majority of the study population had a first aid kit in their work space to manage any allergic reaction, while Epinephrine was the first choice of drug in case of anaphylaxis. There is moderate awareness among medical students about Anaphylaxis and its management

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